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State Officer Leadership Initiatives

Fostering personal growth and student initiated leadership are the cornerstones of the Technology Student Association.

With these guiding principals in mind, the 2017-2018 Indiana TSA State Officer Team has divided their annual plan of work into three separate committees in order to provide an efficient and streamlined administration. The three committees are Leadership, Fundraising and Corporate Sponsorship, and Organization. Each committee is chaired by an elected state officer.


The purpose of this page is to maintain maximum transparency and communication between the Indiana TSA State Officer Team and the local TSA level, as well as to give Indiana TSA members the opportunity to explore the work of state officers. 

Student Committees 

Organization Committee

Chair: Reporter Nick Raymond


The primary purpose of the Organization Committee is to keep State Officers on track in accordance to the annual State Officer Goals and ensure Officers are working efficiently. This is achieved by organizing State Officer events, most notably quarterly summits and monthly meetings, and spearheading efforts to develop and organize promotional materials. Duties include establishing dates for meetings, developing promotion booth and promotional "kit" materials, and ensuring other Indiana TSA Committees are on course with the designated plans of work. 

Plan of Work

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Recruitment Committee

Chair: Vice President Isabelle Molenaar


The purpose of the Recruitment Committee to strengthen the membership of Indiana TSA by seeking, developing, and extending membership to new chapters of Indiana TSA. Duties include producing recruitment letters, maintaining a high level of communication between the Indiana TSA State Officer Team and new chapters, and providing guidance to new chapters. Above all, we actively seek new members of Indiana TSA. Weekly meetings are held.

Plan of Work

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Fundraising and Corporate Sponsorship Comittee

Chair: President Daniel Nilov


The purpose of the Fundraising and Corporate Sponsorship Committee is to develop strong, enduring relationships with businesses in hopes of gaining corporate sponsorship. It is the guiding principal of this Committee to achieve increased awareness of technology and leadership education provided by Indiana TSA to prepare technology students for the workforce and to offset the cost of the annual State Conference by actively pursuing corporate partnerships. Weekly meetings will be held.

Plan of Work

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