Indiana TSA State Officer Application Process
Are you a leader at the chapter level? Consider expanding your leadership by serving as a state officer for Indiana TSA. State Officers represent Indiana TSA to the the public and will help shape Indiana TSA as a new Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO).
Application Process:
1. Candidates can be nominated by submitting the State Officer Application by 1/11/25 @ 11:59 PM. The online application must include all required documents (transcript, Signature Page and advisor recommendation letter) attached and uploaded upon submission.
Information Needed to Begin Application
Name of Applicant
Name of Chapter
Home Address of Student
Phone # to Contact the Student
Student Email Address
Advisor Name
Advisor Email
Uploaded Letter of Recommendation
Uploaded Short Student Narrative that answers the Following:
What has been your leadership involvement TSA at the local and state level?​
Have you held any other leadership roles in other organizations? If so, describe your experience.
Being a State Officer can be demanding of time and energy. How would you balance this with class work and other school activities?
How have you benefited from belonging in Indiana TSA?
How can you help grow Indiana TSA as a new Career and Technical Student Organization in Indiana?
What officer role(s) are you interested in?
Why did you choose the role(s) you did?
Signature Page
2. Candidates will participate in Online Interviews. With advanced notice other dates can be arranged.
3. The officers will be presented to the student body at the Indiana TSA State Conference Business Meeting for official approval during the State Conference.
4. State Officers serve their term from the Indiana State Conference to the following state conference. Only 8th grade through Juniors are eligible to apply.
5. If you have questions about the application process please contact Teresa Mankin at
State Officer Positions and Abbreviated Responsibilities:
The President shall preside over all business meetings of the organization and of the State Executive Council; be a member of the State Advisory Board; appoint, after consultation with the State Advisor, members of all committees not otherwise designated; be a member ex officio of all State Executive Council committees; and assume all duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Advisor.
The Vice President shall assume responsibility in the absence of the President; to serve in any capacity as directed by the president; and assume all duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Advisor.
The Secretary shall record proceedings of all meetings; serve in any capacity as directed by the president; and assume all duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Advisor.
The Treasurer shall keep records and membership reports; serve in any capacity as directed by the president; and assume all duties and responsibilities as assigned by the State Advisor.
The Sergeant-at-Arms assists in the preparation and control of the meeting place, conducts all meetings according to the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, serves in any capacity as directed by the president, and assumes all duties and responsibilities assigned by the State Advisor.
The Reporter accumulates and keeps up-to-date information on the history of the organization; to prepare articles for TSA publications, professional magazines, and journals, newspapers, social media platforms, and other media; to contact other association members concerning news items for publications; and to serve in any capacity as directed by the president and state advisor.
More information about State Officers can be found in the Indiana TSA bylaws.